Pyrrhic Victory
Eliminate enemy personnel (x15) with machete用大刀砍死15名敌兵
Destroy all MPLA **s消灭所有MPLA的tan克
Eliminate enemy personnel (x5) with one mortar explosion用一发迫击炮弹灭5个敌兵
Sink enemy vessels (x5)击沉5艘敌方船只
Dive to prone on an enemy grenade and survive飞扑压到一个敌人丢下的手雷上并存活
Eliminate enemy personnel (x10) with animal traps用捕兽夹干掉10名敌人
Kill (x4) enemies with one mortar primed animal trap用一个事先装好迫击炮弹的捕兽夹杀死4名敌人
Use elevated improvised positions for confirmed sniper kills (x20)上高台用狙击杀20名敌兵
Collect intel (x3)收集3个情报
100% survivability rating一命通本关
Eliminate enemy heli before lift off在敌直升机起飞前就消灭它
Destroy sentry turret (x2) while disabled在岗哨机枪无法工作之时消灭它 两个
Eliminate enemy personnel (x4) with one round from Titus weapon用Titus这把爆炸枪 一枪炸死4个
Eliminate enemy personnel (x10) with heli turret用敌直升机的机枪干掉10个敌人
Eliminate enemy personnel (x30) while using optical camo开启隐形衣干掉30个敌人
Destroy enemy ASDs (x2) by exploding nitrogen **s用射爆氮气罐的方式干掉两个ASD预警小机器人
Eliminate enemy personnel (x10) with the Assault Shield用防暴盾牌顶死10个敌兵
Protect ASD resource from destruction保护本方ASD机器人不让其被摧毁
Collect intel (x3)收集3个情报
100% survivability rating一命通本关
Old Wounds
Eliminate enemy personnel (x15) with pulwar sword用圆月弯刀杀死15名敌人(取得办法:开场先别上马,往石像里面走)
Destroy enemy helo with a mortar用迫击炮击落一架敌方武直
Destroy ** with anti-** mine用反探克地雷干掉一台探克
Run down enemy personnel (10) on horseback骑马撞飞10个敌人
Destroy enemy helo with truck mounted MG用皮卡上架设的机枪射下一架敌方武直
Destroy enemy helos (x4) at North Pass在北方通路干掉4架敌方武直
Utilize stinger (without aircraft lock-on) to destroy enemy helo不用对空锁定模式打下一架武直
Eliminate enemy personnel (x25) using alternate fire mode on stinger用Stinger火箭筒的副开火模式击杀25个敌人
Collect intel (x3)收集3个情报
100% survivability rating一命通本关
Time And Fate
Eliminate PDF enemies (x7) with shotguns in under 10 seconds用散弹枪10秒内干掉7个巴拿马政府军士兵
Eliminate PDF enemies (x8) with truck mounted MG用皮卡上架设的机枪干掉8个巴拿马政府军士兵
Rendezvous with Josefina in under 140 seconds在140秒内到达你妹的房间
Eliminate Cartel enemy personnel with Molotovs (x12)用燃烧瓶干掉12个毒枭匪帮民兵
Crash an enemy truck让一辆皮卡撞毁(其实就是射驾驶员)
Eliminate Cartel enemy personnel with mortars (x10)用迫击炮弹干掉10个毒枭匪帮民兵
Eliminate Cartel enemy personnel with machete (x10)用大刀砍死10个毒枭匪帮民兵
Locate evidence of CIA presence找到CIA到过此处的证据
Collect intel (x3)收集3个情报
100% survivability rating一命通本关
Fallen Angel
Avoid damage from large debris in streets避开街道上被水冲来的汽车残骸
Direct CLAWs to eliminate enemy personnel (x8) in the flooded street指挥CLAW消灭正在水漫金山的街上的敌人8个
Record 400 TB of data from Menendez surveillance从梅内德斯的监控里录下400TB的数据.....
Incinerate enemy personnel (x10) with flamethrower attachment使用火焰喷射器挂件烧死10个敌人
Protect CLAWs (x2) from destruction保护两台CLAW不被摧毁
Deploy SOC-T boost to find alternate routes (x2)利用SOC-T的加速 发现另外的行车线路
Destroy enemy vehicles (x20) with drone missiles利用无人机导弹摧毁敌方20辆载具
Destroy enemy vehicles (x8) with the SOC-T驾驶SOC-T撞翻8辆敌方载具
Collect intel (x3)收集3个情报
100% survivability rating一命通本关
Obtain retina scan in elss than 60 seconds在60秒内获得视网膜扫描图
Retrieve precious cargo (Ziggy)拿回重要物品(蜘蛛小机器人)
Kill enemy personnel with headshots (x5) in Club Solar在日吧的枪战中爆头5个敌人
Ensure zero non-combatant casualties确保非战斗人员零伤亡
Eliminate rappelling enemies (x5)杀死5名正从绳子滑下的少年~
Eliminate enemy personnel (x25) in the outdoor area在室外场景击杀20名敌人
Incapacitate enemy personnel (x20) using Combatant Suppression Knuckles用电击拳套揍傻20个敌人
Protect ASD resource from destruction保护ASD不被摧毁
Collect intel (x3)收集3个情报
100% survivability rating一命通本关
Suffer With Me
Perform a knife throw at enemy guard post飞刀击杀在门卫亭子的敌人
Survive an enemy RPG blast with causes enemy collateral damage在被敌人一发RPG打中后存活并造成对敌人的连带伤害
Destroy Noriega’s private jet摧毁诺列加的私人飞机
Eliminate enemy personnel (x10) with truck mounted MG用车上架设的机枪杀死10个敌人
Destroy enemy ZPU (x1)摧毁敌方ZPU(高射防空机枪)
Distract enemy personnel (x8) with Nightingale grenades at the same time使用南丁格尔手雷同时转移8个敌人的注意力
Eliminate enemy personnel (x15) with IR strobe用红外信号器干掉15名敌人
Eliminate enemy personnel (x8) in the clinic消灭在医疗室内的敌人 8个
Collect intel (x3)收集3个情报
100% survivability rating一命通本关
Achilles’ Veil
Destroy enemy quad drones (x20)摧毁敌方四桨旋翼小型无人机20个
Eliminate enemy personnel (x20) with sword用宝剑砍死20个敌人
Melee enemy personnel (x20) while using optical camo开启隐形迷彩后近身刀死20个敌人
Destroy enemy quad drones (x8) with turret用架设的机枪摧毁敌方四桨旋翼小型无人机8个
Eliminate enemy personnel (x5) by exploding vehicles炸车炸死5个敌人
Destroy enemy ASD (x4) while disabledEMP并摧毁4个敌方ASD
Eliminate enemy personnel (x5) as VTOL gunner在VTOL上用机枪时干掉5个敌人
Direct quad drones to eliminate enemy personnel (x25)指挥四桨小型无人机消灭25个敌人
Collect intel (x3)收集3个情报
100% survivability rating一命通本关
Locate gift in Mason’s state room找到放在梅森房间里的礼物
Incapacitate enemy personnel (x20) using Combatant Suppression Knuckles使用电击圈套击倒20名敌人
Provide sniper overwatch for SEAL team advance across flight deck狙击支援海豹突击队员冲过甲板
Eliminate enemy personnel (x10) with security turret用警哨机枪干掉10名敌人
Destroy security turret (x3) while disabled摧毁3个被EMP的警哨机枪
Eliminate airborne enemies (x8) before they land消灭8个正要着陆的敌人
Direct CLAW to eliminate enemy personnel (x5)指挥CLAW干掉5名敌人
Get to extraction in under 90 seconds90秒内到达撤离点
Collect intel (x3)收集3个情报
100% survivability rating一命通本关
Cordis Die
100% impact ratio with SAM engagement on highway在公路上使用地对空导弹并达成百分百打击率
Perform headshot (x10) sniper kills from the upper freeway在高架桥上用狙击支援下方并达成10次爆头
Direct quad drones to eliminate enemy personnel (x8)指挥四桨旋翼小型无人机干掉8名敌人
Rescue trapped SSA in damaged vehicle营救受困在车里的SSA
Destroy enemy drone (x30) using SAM on roof用屋顶的地对空导弹打下30架敌方无人机
Protect G20 cougar at the intersection保护在交叉口的G20美洲豹
Destroy drones (x3) with one shot一发打爆无e799bee5baa6e997aee7ad94e78988e69d8331333332613132人机 三次
Protect all G20 vehicles保护所有G20领导人的车辆
Collect intel (x3)收集3个情报
100% survivability rating一命通本关
Judgment Day
Avoid ALL anti-air missiles避开所有来袭的对空导弹
Destroy ALL laser turrets摧毁所有激光机枪台
Destroy enemy quad drones (x3) while disabled干掉3个被EMP的四桨旋翼小型无人机
Perform sniper kills (x10) from more than 40m distance狙杀10个离你40米远的敌人
Melee camouflaged enemy personnel (x3)近身攻击干掉3个穿隐形迷彩的敌人
Direct quad drones to eliminate enemy CLAw指挥四桨旋翼小型无人机消灭一台敌方CLAW
Eliminate enemy personnel (x5) with one strike of the kinetic projectile weapon使用动能弹射武器一发炸死5个敌人
Protect ASD resource to the objective location保护本方ASD到目标地点
Collect intel (x3)收集3个情报
100% survivability rating一命通本关
挑战模式慢慢打吧 杀人什么的有积分 慢慢升级 慢慢解锁 。 可以重复的玩啊。 去玩挑战模式 玩的好的可以一把40分钟神马的都是浮云... ...玩游戏嘛 也要有耐心
使命召唤9 在旧伤完成5个挑战解锁 compete 5 chall...
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